Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick

Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick

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Wie wählst du deine Ziele aus?
Unterschiedlich. Man sieht so ein Geschäft und denkt: Wow, diese Firma ist scheisse, die will ich jetzt unbedingt hacken. Das ist frustrierend, weil man meistens keinen Weg findet, sie zu hacken, oder der Aufwand ist immens. Öfters war es so: Wir haben etwas gefunden, wovon wir gewusst haben: He, diese Software kennen wir gut, und wir kennen die Schwachstellen. Dann haben wir im Internet Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick der Software gescannt, haben das durchgeschaut und gesehen, ah, hier kommen wir ein Stück weiter. Erst dann haben wir uns gefragt, ob es sich lohnt, da weiter vorzugehen.

Die Ziele werden danach ausgesucht, ob man überhaupt reinkommt oder nicht.
Ja. Weil, dann ist das mehr so: Wow, damn, wir haben das gefunden und das ist ja mega krass, und nicht: Wir haben einen Monat lang etwas zu finden versucht, erfolglos. Geduld ist nicht so mein Ding.

Wenn du in der Schweiz hacken würdest, was würde sich lohnen und warum?

Wie zielgerichtet geht ihr vor? Wisst ihr von Anfang an, was ihr vorhabt?
Endziele hatten wir nie wirklich. Man muss sich immer anpassen können, schauen, was man vorfindet, darum ist es auch Hacking. Du findest jedes Mal etwas anderes, triffst immer wieder auf neue Herausforderungen. Es ist halt, blöd gesagt, auch ein Game.

Du sprichst von «wir». Ihr arbeitet in einer Art Kollektiv?
Es waren meistens lose Gruppen oder einzelne Personen, mit denen ich regelmässig etwas gemacht habe. Nachdem man eine Software gescannt hat, ist der Hauptaufwand, alles durchzusehen und zu schauen, was spannend ist und wo man weiterkommt.

Von was für einem Zeitaufwand sprechen wir?
Schwer zu sagen. Das sind riesige Mengen an Material, es ist extrem unrealistisch, alles durchzusehen. Aber wir schauten es uns einfach regelmässig an, pickten Einzelnes heraus, manchmal zufällig.

Kennst du deine Community auch persönlich oder sind das Beziehungen, die übers Netz laufen?
Meistens übers Netz. Es kann auch sein, dass man sich mal an einer Konferenz oder so trifft. Grundsätzlich weiss man ja nicht unbedingt, mit wem man zusammenarbeitet. Und Identitäten können sich ändern. Oft will man sein Gegenüber nicht kennen, um sich gegenseitig nicht zu verpetzen. Wie kommuniziert man miteinander, ohne dass offensichtlich wird, wer jetzt wo sitzt? Das kommt drauf an, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick, wie sehr man Gaelic Luck Slot Machine Review und wie viel man spricht. Meistens geht es um die Sache, an der man gemeinsam dran ist.

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Unterschiedlich. Ich habe viel über Telegram gearbeitet, aber eigentlich bilden sich solche Gruppen überall, wo miteinander kommuniziert wird.

Wie weisst du, dass du der Person vertrauen kannst, mit der du zusammenarbeitest?
Meistens triffst du dich eh mit ähnlichen Interessen, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick, zumindest in den Kreisen, in denen ich mich bewege. Bei andern geht es wiederum um ein bestimmtes Ziel, wo dann egal ist, weshalb andere mitmachen.

Was machst du effektiv, wenn du am Computer sitzt und dir eine Software vornimmst?
Grundsätzlich versuche ich, so simpel wie möglich zu arbeiten. Was wir ausgenutzt haben, ist, wenn Firmen-Softwares nicht richtig konfiguriert sind, etwas nicht sicher eingestellt ist. Beispielsweise ist dann aus Versehen was im Internet, was nicht dort sein sollte. Beim Hacken nutzt du die Schwachstellen aus.

Hackerangriffe legen Schwachstellen in der Sicherheit von Firmen offen. Firmen lernen davon und verbessern ihren Schutz. Das ist oft nicht das eigentliche Ziel der Hacker:innen.
Klar, längerfristig hegt man mit Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick Aktionen schon den Wunsch, dass die Firma mit dem eigentlichen Scheiss aufhört, das ist aber nicht mega realistisch. Gerade am Beispiel der Überwachungskamera-Firma Verkada stellen wir natürlich grundsätzlich die zentralistische Überwachung in Frage. Aber kurzfristig gesehen ist mir lieber, diese Überwachung verläuft sicherer. Dann kann man immerhin davon ausgehen, dass hauptsächlich nur die Personen Zugriff auf die Überwachung haben, die einen haben sollten. Was aber meistens wichtiger ist – und in unserem Fall auch war: dass man aufzeigt, was da passiert, wie solche Dinge intern funktionieren. Dieses Wissen geht ja nicht verloren – auch wenn Verkada das in Zukunft vielleicht sicherer machen wird. Vieles davon ist vor allem Awareness-Arbeit. Mit dem Nebeneffekt, dass es die Firma etwas kostet.

Tillie Kottmann <div><h2>Marokko</h2><div><div><p>Morocco: Hike, Bike & Horse Ride</p><p>Trish</p><div><p>Did the Morocco Bike, Hike and Ride. Enjoyed everything about this trip, it was a good mix of city and country, exercise and downtime. Felt like we saw the real Morocco. We were a group of friends in our 50s and 60s and we handled it no worries. Our guide Ilyas was awesome and gave us real insight into what makes Morocco tick. Absolutely recommend this trip if you want a week that packs a lot in, in a short time</p></div><p>Review submitted 19/07/2018</p></div><div><p>South Morocco Discovery</p><p>Laura</p><div><p>The South of Morocco was great but prepare to be emersed in a culture like no other. The food is lovely though rather repetitive and accommodation was much better than I expected from a basics tour. Bring a book or music for the buses as there are quite a few!</p></div><p>Review submitted 18/07/2018</p></div><div><p>South Morocco Discovery</p><p>Louise</p><div><p>This was an amazing tour. Thoroughly enjoyed visiting <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> stunning Atlas Mountains and experiencing the vastness of the Sahara Desert.</p></div><p>Review submitted 18/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Madrid to Marrakech</p><p>Jill</p><div><p>Intrepid Travel is an awesome way to see new places as the organisation is all done for you. It’s emphasis on ethical and environmentally aware travel is important and encouraging The group we travelled with varied in age, <i>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</i>, interest and country of origin and we had a ball – even on long train and bus journeys</p></div><p>Review submitted 16/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Madrid to Marrakech</p><p>Elizabeth</p><div><p>Great trip owing to great guides who gave us clear instructions and also directed us on free time to make the most of <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> trip. Both guides very conscious of safety of travellers both culturally and in the countries visited. eg no photos in homes</p></div><p>Review submitted 16/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Morocco Uncovered</p><p>Tim</p><div><p>Intrepid really deliver the unique experience in Morocco, Tour Leader Mohammed provided real context and insight and you get to meet the local people as you would never achieve simply touring privately. Go for it you won’t regret it!</p></div><p>Review submitted 15/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Morocco Uncovered</p><p>Christopher</p><div><p>Our guide was professional and informative, the trip met my expectations an more. Many adventures and fun was had.</p></div><p>Review submitted 13/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Best of Morocco</p><p>Gregory</p><div><p>A good trip, <i>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</i>. Lots of other reviews say it all so here are some tips instead: take lots of water on the trip into the desert as none is provided; if you don’t spend any extra time Casablanca then you won’t be missing much; you may well find yourself throwing up at some point so take dehydration sachets etc. and your own supply of toilet paper just in case; the logical place to do laundry is Todra Gorge as it is halfway through and you spend two nights there, but the results weren’t great given the price so just take travel wash and do your own. Most of all, enjoy!</p></div><p>Review submitted 12/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Madrid to Marrakech</p><p>Brian</p><div><p>We have traveled with Intrepid on a variety of travel styles and have always enjoyed the mix of nationalities and age groups which always gave the trip a good balance.</p></div><p>Review submitted 12/07/2018</p></div><div><p>North Morocco Adventure</p><p>Eva</p><div><p>The Intrepid model works well for the type of travel we enjoy, <i>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</i>. Small groups with a local guide gives you a feeling of family while travelling in a foreign country.</p></div><p>Review <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> 11/07/2018</p></div><div><p>North Morocco Adventure</p><p>Tanya</p><div><p>We had an amazing group of <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> and a wonderful leader supporting and guiding our group. Looking forward to the next Intrepid trip!</p></div><p>Review submitted 11/07/2018</p></div><div><p>Best of Morocco</p><p>Rosheen</p><div><p>Be prepared to eat a lot of bread. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Every meal comes with it and most of it is <i>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</i> Also be prepared (at breakfast) to find very little protein, so consider bringing something along to eat if that is something of concern. All other meals are jam packed with soups, salads, meat, <i>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</i>, vegetables, fruits and other sweet treats. You will not go hungry. Mint tea is a must and there is an abundance <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> it! Expect the cities to be busy and a little crazy with the traffic (close your eyes and run when crossing the road!), but that the rural areas are peaceful and the people there are the most friendly. You will see cities, desert, mountains, oceans and everything in between. The architecture will amaze you, the Medina’s will inspire you, the ocean will calm you, the mountains will make you feel humble and the desert – despite being rolling sand dunes that go on and on – will be one of the most stunning things you will ever see. Intrepid do an excellent job at showing you the ‘real’ Morocco and not just the tourist haunts. You really do get the local experience and a true feeling for what the culture has to offer. We travelled during mid June and experienced 26-39 degree heat. Marrakech is known to be 50+ degrees usually at this time, so we were exceptionally lucky. Pack light so you can take some exquisite, hand made goodies home (which you can see made in front of you) and also because you can launder your clothes <b>Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick</b> each 2 day stop if needed. Loose fitting clothes are recommended for warmer weather and a jacket for the mountains if you are the type to get easily cold. There are some longer, more intense walks, but there are options for those not feeling up to it to <a href=Vienen En Bonos De Casino a mule, take a shorter walk or relax at your accommodation. There is no way I would have seen as much of this country as I did, and certainly not the more local aspects of it, if I had not done this tour with Intrepid. If you are lucky enough to get Mohamed M as your Group Leader, you are in for a treat! He is very knowledgeable, considerate and a lot fun! Make sure you ask him to play Saad Lamjarred’s hit song ‘Let Go’ 😉

Review submitted 11/07/2018

North Morocco Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick Encompassed was an incredible experience. I saw so much of Morocco, every stop on the tour was so different and our guide Abdu went above and beyond to add extra activities, to educate us about Morocco and introduce us to the locals. We met so many kind and interesting people, learnt a lot about the country, had a lot of fun and saw so many incredible places. This was a 10/10 experience and I highly recommend it.

Review submitted 09/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


I love traveling with Intrepid because you really do get to see it how the locals see it! A REAL experience with friendly and well experienced tour guides.

Review submitted 09/07/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


As a solo traveller intrepid made exploring Spain, Protugal and Morocco fun and easy. I meet great people and enjoyed some amazing cultural experiences.

Review submitted 09/07/2018

Morocco Uncovered


Great trip, enjoyed it a lot. Small group meant a bit more flexibility and a small vehicle and having no name on the outside of the van was great – didn’t tell everyone else we were a tour group! Loved Morocco and saw some fantastic locations and especially loved the Atlas Mountains and the Sahara! Very important that people understand the impact of travelling during Ramadan – not necessarily a negative, it was very quiet, but did have some negative impacts (-: Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Intrepid and do it again ourselves.

Review submitted 08/07/2018

Best of Morocco


“The best of Morocco” is a must for people wanting to see the ancient past, the culture and people of North Africa, the changing landscapes of the country, the food and the shopping. It has all elements combined into one trip. Highly recommended for your “to do” list.

Review submitted 08/07/2018

North Morocco Adventure


We had Swinging Sweethearts Slots Machine great time on our 18 day tour of north and south Marocco. The Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick north part of the tour took us through the mayorc cities of Morocco from Casablanca to Fez to Chefchaouen using well organized transportation. The second part of the tour involved some long hours of travelling through the Atlas mountains and the stay in the Sahara was out of this world. Said our tour guide was however the highlight of this tour, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick, extremely knowledgeable and a real leader we could rely on. We had a fantastic experience and will book in the future other tours with Intrepid.

Review submitted 07/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


We had a great time on our 18 day tour of north and south Marocco. The north part of the tour took us through the mayorc cities of Morocco from Casablanca to Fez to Chefchaouen using well organized transportation. The second part of the tour involved some long hours of travelling through the Atlas mountains and the stay in the Sahara was out of this world. Said our tour guide was however the highlight of this tour, extremely knowledgeable and a real leader we could rely on. We had a fantastic experience and will book in the future other tours with Intrepid.

Review submitted 07/07/2018

Morocco Uncovered


This trip really suited what we were looking for but the guide makes a huge difference and we thought our guide Mohamed was fantastic. Couldnt ask for better! The whole time on the trip was fabulous

Review submitted 06/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


I had a marvellous time. The food was great. Tour leaders are great. Just do it, you will be glad you did

Review submitted 05/07/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Travel light for this trip! You will have to transport your luggage at several points.

Review submitted 04/07/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Great trip with lots to see and do – too too with this and any other trip that makes use of public transport is to travel with light luggage

Review submitted 04/07/2018

Best of Morocco


I would highly recommend this tour, amazing

Review submitted 04/07/2018

Morocco Uncovered


If you want a small group experience that goes off the beaten path, choose Intrepid.

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Morocco Uncovered


Take imodium tablets to Morocco

Review submitted 03/07/2018

North Morocco Adventure


This well-paced 9-day adventure is a perfect snapshot to showcase the diversity of this beautiful country, and a terrific introduction to Northern Africa!

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Best of Morocco


Great trip overall. I got to see so many things that I couldn’t even imagine seeing! The leader was friendly and very knowledgeable, standard of accommodation was generally excellent and the activities were unforgettable. You may be sick of tagine by the time you leave but overall I would highly recommend this trip.

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Best of Morocco


Great trip which takes in all the highlights of Morocco. Well organised and accomodation very comfortable. Fantastic guides.

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Best of Morocco


Intrepid trips provide a good balance of common tourist sights, with Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick unusual sights and activities. Great trips if you are in reasonable shape.

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Best of Morocco


Mohamed, our tour guide really made the trip lots of fun

Review submitted 03/07/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


Small group travel is just the best. Great destinations linked to local culture and cuisine. Accommodation and travel all requiring local interaction and flavour. Intrepid tours are the ones that leave no tracks. A big tick from us.

Review submitted 03/07/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Perfect way to explore Morocco. Amazing culture and people. The north far outranks the south so 100% book this tour.

Review submitted 02/07/2018

Best of Morocco


Comprehensive itineraries, carefully chosen excellent guides, social/cultural awareness and respect, great value- cannot think of another company that offers so much. No surprise there are so many “frequent fliers” with Intrepid.

Review submitted 02/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


This was our first trip using a tour company and it was fantastic. The company’s commitment to responsible tourism is authentic and made for a real historical and cultural education while we were in Morocco. Our family will be sharing stories from this trip for a long time. Thanks to Intrepid and our trip leader Abdeljalil Nafea (we miss you already!).

Review submitted 02/07/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


Highly recommended, what a great way to experience and gain insight into these three countries and cultures. A well rounded trip with of sight seeing with a few chances to relax. Comfortable transport.

Review submitted 02/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


Don’t over pack and if you think you may be buying things to bring home pack clothing you maybe happy to leave behind.

Review submitted 01/07/2018

South Morocco Discovery


Intrepid is an A+ organization with focus on the travelers and the people of the regions traveled. Additionally, I love the responsible tourism philosophy as we are very concerned about our entire planet earth and it’s beautiful peoples.

Review submitted 01/07/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


Don’t over pack and if you think you may be buying things to bring home pack clothing you maybe happy to Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick behind.

Review submitted 01/07/2018

Morocco Uncovered


Hopefully the notes posted on the first page of this review may be useful for this.

Review submitted 30/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Morocco was really interesting. Only spoilt by the fact that we were continually led in to shops and factories that used high pressure sales techniques to try to sell us things that in most cases we neither wanted or needed. Beware.

Review submitted 30/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Intrepid are a great company to travel with, they employ excellent guides and travel with small groups. They are very organized in every way and take all the stress out of traveling. I would highly recommend traveling with this company and look forw2ard to traveling with them again.

Review submitted 30/06/2018

Best of Morocco


In my experience, Intrepid itineraries are thoughtful and of high quality, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick. Group size is small and travellers generally like minded. Intrepid tour leaders are experienced, knowledgeable and caring. Furthermore, Intrepid’s responsible travel ethos always rates highly.

Review submitted 30/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


Fantastic trip to see some of the highlights of South Morocco.

Review submitted 30/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


The Moroccan tour is the best. Great people, excellent tour guides, wonderful food and so much to see. Loved the mosaics and the scenery was incredible. No place is the same in Morocco. We would definitely recommend Intepid.

Review submitted 29/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


An authentic Moroccan experience that awakened my senses! I’ve come away with further appreciation for different lifestyles and immense awe for the environment. The Atlas Mountains and Sahara Desert are truly breathtaking!

Review submitted 29/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


South Morocco is exotic, exciting & full of endless surprises & wonders. We were fortunate to experience the Gnaoua music festival in Essaouria, meet Saharan nomads & (more importantly) have Abdul as our esteemed tour leader. Abduls professionalism & passion for his country made this a truly wonderful experience.

Review submitted 29/06/2018

Best of Morocco


very happy to be able to travel as a Single without having to pay a single supplement if sharing the room.

Review submitted 28/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Comprehensive itinerary; friendly,efficient and knowledgable guide; comfortable transport and accommodation. As with any trip, it is important to carefully read the components and level of fitness required to enjoy physical activities included. Best to research Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick of any festivals or special traditions which may occur in your country of travel choice.

Review submitted 28/06/2018

Best of Morocco


The Best of Morocco tour really lived up to its name. We’re already planning on using Intrepid for other trips because everything was so well organized. We experienced much more than we thought we would.

Review Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick 28/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


Read your notes as very informativeand as a solo travellerfelt very safe and had a fantastic time.

Review submitted 28/06/2018

Morocco: Hike, Bike & Horse Ride


Fantastic trip – our guide Ilyas was great. The pace is quite full on – be prepared for some long (yet enjoyable) days. The highlight for me was staying in a berber village in the beautiful Atlas mountains

Review submitted 28/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


l don’t have anything in particular to say except don’t be afraid to book with Intrepid.

Review submitted 27/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


This trip to Morocco was an interesting experience. The country has friendly people, especially when you get out of the major cities and into the countryside. Don’t miss the Sahara. Bring half of what you would normally pack on vacation. The country is quite safe, however street begging is a constant problem. Too many street hawkers.

Review submitted 27/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Excellent from start to finish and amazing value for money. Our tour leader was fantastic and made our holiday perfect. Can’t wait to book another Intrepid trip.

Review submitted 27/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Very very impressed with our holiday experience cannot rate it high enough and Abdelhadi the combination of Intrepid and our guide was excellent, we also feel for what the cost of the holiday was it was good value for money and more importantly has left us with a life time of memories. Big Big thank you to Abdelhadi for looking after us all so well

Review submitted 27/06/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Excellent trip … Just don’t arrive in Casablanca early to explore. Hotel rooms are in rough shape and the hotel is in Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick bad and unsafe location. Aside from that, every was great.

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Best of Morocco


We had the wonderful opportunity to travel with our 20 year-old daughter to a destination she had selected. We loved everything about our trip including the incredible country, best-in-class tour guide and truly enjoyed every single member of our tour group. Job Well Done!

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Despite the extreme Moroccan heat, please be respectful and bring ample outfits that cover the shoulders and the knees, especially when touring the smaller Berber communities, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick. For example, bring more T-shirts instead of tank tops, and more capris instead of shorts.

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Best of Morocco


This trip has a lot of driving, so be ready to sit in a bus for lots of half day drives.

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Best of Morocco


It was an amazing trip!!! We had an amazing group of people on our tour. The camping overnight in the Sahara desert was once in a lifetime experience. Morocco is a beautiful country. Thanks Ahmed for making this trip so memorable.

Review submitted 26/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


The itinerary was so good- we got to see and experience so much in our short 8 days. Our guide, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick, Nafea Abdeljalil, was so organized, welcoming, and smart. I will never forget this once in a lifetime experience!

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Cycle Morocco


This is a trip that provides a nice mixture of cycling challenges for the average cyclist whilst also providing access to a variety of cities and rural settings. Our leader and his support team were fun, easy going but very organised and cognizant of their responsibilities, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick. Morocco is a country of many contrasts both culturally and geographically and well worth a visit. Doing it by bicycle is even better!

Review submitted 26/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


Morocco Uncovered was our first trip with Intrepid and it was absolutely amazing. It was well organised and provided great leadership. It not only covered the vast and varied landscape of Morocco but also gave insight into the life and culture of The Moroccan people. We would highly recommend this trip to everyone thinking of visiting Morocco.

Review submitted 25/06/2018

North Morocco Adventure


This trip provides an opportunity to become more immersed in the Moroccan culture that you could do alone in a city. There are so many incredible experiences on this trip that I will be forever grateful for. If you are looking for a bit of adventure and understanding a different culture, this trip is amazing!

Review submitted 25/06/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Amazing trip – lots to see and do. Don’t get too stressed about the things you read RE how to dress, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick. As long as you are respectful and polite, and aren’t wearing anything too skimpy you’ll have no dramas. The tour covers a lot of ground but the travel is broken up by stops and things so you don’t feel like you’re always on a train or bus etc

Review submitted 25/06/2018

Best of Morocco


Casual, in your face, travel on the front line. Not a luxurious standard of travel, yet a very comfortable and relaxed way to go.

Review submitted 25/06/2018

South Morocco Discovery


South of Morocco was life changing. I am inspired to return again and again! Abdul is the BEST tour guide I e ever had.

Review submitted 25/06/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


Prepare for travel by Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick light and carrying a medical kit to cover hand sanitation, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick, stomach upsets, sunscreen and sunburn cream. Pack for some wet weather,

Review submitted 25/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


The Morocco Uncovered Tour was a fantastic introduction to and exploration of Morocco, and has inspired further interest in me to visit other countries in the Middle East and North Africa. I almost wish there was a Part 2 to this trip!

Review submitted 24/06/2018

Morocco Uncovered


The most incredible trip and experience you will have. If you are keen to immerse yourself in a beautiful country with amazing scenery, food and people this trip is for you, Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick. You will feel safe, supported and have a lot of fun along the way. This is one of my favourite trips! Come with an open heart and mind and you will have a life changing time.

Review submitted 24/06/2018

Madrid to Marrakech


Intrepid is a very flexible, organised, reasonably-priced, fun and relaxed holiday. Just perfect for me. Thank you!

Review submitted 23/06/2018

North Morocco Adventure


Ensure you have a medical kit include hydrolyte anti diarrhoea medication and pain relief especially for abdominal cramping

Review submitted 22/06/2018

Best of Robyn Alles Wichtige auf einen Blick you want to go to Morocco but you’re timid of Africa and still want to be pampered, the Best of Morocco is for you.

Review submitted 22/06/2018